Ohio Academic Content Standards for K-12 World Language
A. Communication Standard: Communicate in languages other than English, both in person and via technology.
Interpretive Communication (Reading, Listening/Viewing)
Competency # 1.
Derive meaning from messages and texts using listening, reading, and viewing strategies.
Competency # 2.
Identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources critically.
Competency # 3.
Comprehend and interpret information in authentic messages and informational texts.
Competency # 4.
Comprehend and interpret information about the main idea and relevant details in authentic literary texts.
Interpersonal Communication (Speaking/Signing, Listening/Viewing, Reading and Writing)
Competency # 1.
Negotiate meaning using requests, clarifications, and conversation strategies.
Competency # 2.
Interact with others using culturally appropriate language and gestures on familiar and some unfamiliar topics.
Competency # 3.
Express preferences, feelings, emotions, and opinions about familiar and unfamiliar topics.
Presentational Communication (Speaking/Signing and Writing)
Competency # 1.
Convey meaning using writing processes and presentation strategies.
Competency # 2.
Present information, concepts, and viewpoints on familiar and some unfamiliar topics from across disciplines.
Competency # 3.
Present literary, creative, and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far.
B. Cultures Standard: Gain and use knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
Competency # 1.
Examine and describe relationships among products, practices, and perspectives and compare them across cultures.
Competency # 2.
Experience the target language and culture(s) and share information and personal reactions with others.